Great Speaking Speaker Shop Referral Fees

What's a referral fee?
When you provide links from your website to our site, The Great Speaking Center, we'll pay you a percentage of the sale price of our professional speaking courses, E-books and other speaking related products, when your visitors buy. This is called a "referral fee" - it's basically a share of the revenue you help us generate. We'll pay you on the 1st of each calendar month and mail the checks out by the 10th. You can check how many visitors you have attracted to our site and how many have ordered in real time (we provide a webpage for you to view these statistics anytime you like).

How much will I be paid?
We will pay you 20% - 50% of any sales you generate and 5% of any sales that are generated by a subassociate that you encourage to join our associate program. For example: For every Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System you sell at retail you will earn $79.40. If one of your subassociates sells the same course you will earn $19.85. These sales can add up fast if you do the simple promotional techniques we provide you, or you can simply do nothing but put our links and banners on your webpage and sit back and collect the commissions.

More details:
As with any program involving money, certain restrictions and legal jargon apply. See the Great Speaking Associates Program Frequently Asked Questions for more information about referral fees. There you'll also find a link that takes you to our complete Policy Agreement.

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If you experience any problems, please email Tom at