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WE PAY YOU TO SEND US SUBSCRIBERS http://www.listpartners.com/cgi-local/cashpartner?406 Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you know that is interested in being a better presenter, or who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's a good way to stay in touch with client's too. Send this and tell them you were just thinking about them.) http://www.antion.com/recommend.html If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and would like to get your own free subscription, visit http://www.antion.com/ezinesubscribe.htm To remove yourself from this list see bottom of this email. PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your address to anyone. Period. ============================================= IN THIS ISSUE ============================================= 1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip 2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article (Beginners should read this too) 3. Humor Technique Series 4. Speaker Marketing Tip 5. Speaker Humor 6. Websites for Speakers ********* GET PAID TO SPEAK ********* Learn what it's like to become a paid professional speaker either part time or full time. Visit http://www.antion.com/public-speaking.htm AOL members click here ************************************* ===================================================== 1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip ===================================================== TAKE A STAND by Tom Antion I can't tell you how sick it makes me when I see a speaker trying to be middle of the road as if he/she was a politician or something. The great speakers I know take a stand on something and have the ability to defend their position. That doesn't mean you take a stand just for the sake of taking one. And it doesn't mean your sole purpose is to upset the other side. It simply means that it's your obligation to give an expert opinion based on your experience and research. It doesn't mean you don't tell the truth because you might hurt someone's feelings. If you don't want to hurt someone's feelings, avoid the topic altogether or don't accept that speaking engagement. To be effective and credible you also need to research and understand opposing viewpoints. No one is going to believe in you if they ask you a question and you act like a first grader and whine . . . just because. ***** LEARN REAL WORLD INTERNET MARKETING ****** ***** AND GET PAID TO BE THERE ****** Tom Pays a 50 percent commission for each referral to his live seminars. Refer two and you come free. Refer three and you start making money. See Tom Antion in person at ButtCamp in Orlando, FL -- Friday, July 12,(day before NSA convention) What is ButtCamp? You learn real world methods of selling your knowledge on the Internet while sitting on your rear end. :) Tom is not giving a book report. He sells an enormous amount of products and services on the Internet and he has helped hundreds of others do it too. Full Details: http://www.antion.com/buttcamp.htm AOL members click here Can't make it? Send your assistant/webmaster. OR We now have the entire session on Tape or Audio CD http://www.GreatInternetMarketing.com/buttcamptapes.htm AOL members click here ************************************************* ***** KNOW ANYONE WITH A WEDDING COMING UP? ***** Send them to: http://www.wedding-toasts.org ************************************************* ===================================================== 2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article ===================================================== SPEAKING FROM THE HEART (ŠLee Wise 2002) I'm sitting in chapel listening to an older man speak. He's a seasoned pastor. The kind you would like to be by your bedside shortly after the doctor has informed you that your time on earth is limited. Very limited. "Doc," they call him. I listen closely to what Doc is saying. No one would call him an orator. And he certainly isn't energetic! But he is real. As real as you can get. As I'm listening intently to what Doc is saying, I notice something else: the other members of our audience are listening in exactly the same manner. Older ones. Younger ones. It doesn't matter. All are listening. Intently. WHY? I think, "Why? Why are we listening so attentively to what this man is sharing?" I answer myself by saying, "Because he is speaking from his heart." He and his God have walked a long time on this earth together. He is sincere and all of us in the room can sense it. A SIMPLE POINT My point is simple: speaking and living from the heart is, to me, what it's all about. I can learn what to say, how to say it, how to "read" my audience, and a thousand other success tips on the art of public speaking. But sharing with an audience -- even if only an audience of one -- from deep within and sharing what I hold dear to my heart is something I don't do because I listened to a taped series on the art of speaking well. ALLOWING MY LIFE TO MOLD MY WORDS I share that way because I'm striving to live well. I speak that way because I allow what I'm learning and value in life to mold my words. That's great speaking -- speaking from the heart!! Reflecting on Doc's message, I say to myself: "God, give me the grace to speak like that in my life. Let my words come from a life well lived and a heart well trained in the art of loving You and others." Speaking from the heart -- a good heart -- helps us in at least three important ways: 1. It helps us "connect" with people 2. It gives us credibility as we share 3. It protects us from motives which take advantage of people THANKS, DOC! In my opinion we all need to learn from the "Docs" of the world. They are valuable people. Thanks, Doc. I'm still trying to listen and learn. Your message got through today. My challenge will be making sure it "hits home" tomorrow and the next day. And the next. ******************************* Lee is a Seminary administrator, has a part-time home business, and writes his own motivational mailing. You may contact him at lfwise@aol.com or by visiting http://www.retirequickly.com/89863 Permission is given to distribute article. This entire paragraph must be included. ******************************* EDITORS NOTE: I thought about it quite a bit before I printed the above article because I am only partially in agreement with its concept. I absolutely agree that passion about your topic is EXTREMELY important. However, in the hard core world of professional level speaking, both skill and passion are necessary to succeed. Church crowds are relatively polite and quite a bit different than a business audience that may not want to be there and is very happy to challenge every single word you say. I also suspect that "Doc" in the article above had a great deal of skill in handling an audience and crafting his words. *********** SPONSOR *********** FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course mailto:minicourse.GS042@aweber.com ******************************** ****** Watch the Crowd Hang on YOUR Every Word *********** NEW breakthrough speaking system taking you from dull to DYNAMIC! PLUS Four FREE Bonuses worth BIG MONEY. Outstanding! ~ Dub Hall AOL members click here 10 Speaking Secrets FREE. Send an email right now to: mailto:speakingsuccess@SubscribeMeNow.com ************************************************************ ===================================================== 3. HUMOR TECHNIQUE ===================================================== ATTACK AUTHORITY by Tom Antion I was leafing through and old book by Gene Perret the other day and it had a section in it on the title of this article. For those of you who don't know it, Gene Perrett was the head comedy writer for Bob Hope. Gene was talking about the risk and reward of attacking people in authority for comic effect. I have used this technique hundreds of times at corporate and association events and not once have I had a problem. Do you know why? It's because I clear it and explain it to the authority figure before I do it. When I approach an authority figure like the president of a company or the CEO I tell them that it's a great honor to be big enough to be jabbed at. I even tell them that I'll prepare comeback lines for them if they want me to. A few issues back I talked about a pizza franchise that had a KickButt radio campaign going on. I said to the managers, "If the CEO wants you to really KickButt in this campaign then he should let you get a little practice at this meeting." I then went on to do the pillow routine with a target on it that the CEO strapped on. Any manager that answered a question about the campaign correctly got to kick the CEO in the rear. The place went nuts and the CEO came away as a great leader who wasn't too stuffy to participate. This was a very mild form of attack on authority because it "appeared" I was putting the CEO on the spot and challenging him to go along with it when in reality I told him in advance that I was going to do something outrageous that involved him. He gave me the go ahead. OTHER AUTHORITY FIGURES If you are reading this in the USA, you know that we are lucky enough to be able to make fun of politicians, and other public figures without retaliation. In fact, it's pretty much expected. The late night comedians thrive when we've got a bumbling or otherwise out-of-the-ordinary President or Vice President and you can too. In this article I won't go into what you actually say, but the way to stay out of trouble is to tease everyone equally. Don't bash the republicans without slamming the democrats a time or two. It's safest if you tease a group that you belong to. It's much safer to tease your own affiliations. You get the right because you belong to the group which means you're basically teasing yourself AKA self-effacing humor. To start using this technique look at your pre-program research. See what people are complaining about and that will usually lead you to a person or person's responsible. If the issue is old, it's a little safer because anything that was wrong is now water under the bridge. If the issue is fresh it could lead to more laughter because it's current, but the risk is a little higher because the issue may be too hot. ********* GREAT SPEAKER REFERENCE ******* BE THE HIT OF YOUR NEXT PRESENTATION! "Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations" "Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers learning curve." -- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn. Now available for immediate download in pdf format http://www.antion.com/speakershop.htm click on "E Books" For a FREE Chapter visit http://www.antion.com/products/produc~3.htm ********************************************** ===================================================== 4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$ ===================================================== TELEPHONE DEMO SEMINARS by Tom Antion Pop quiz? Do you think you have a better chance of being hired from your video or from someone seeing you live? Well if you really stink and have a good video editor, it would probably be the video. In most cases, experiencing you live would get you more jobs. You certainly can't fly potential customers in to watch you speak very often, but you can give them a taste of you via the telephone. I don't mean the standard here's-what-I'll-do-for- your-group call. I mean give them a taste of the real thing (adapted, of course, for the telephone medium). Rent yourself a telephone bridge line. For small numbers of people up to 30 I used Judy Sabah's bridge line. You can reach her at http://www.judysabah.com/ I think it cost about $20.00 per hour. For larger numbers I have my own 600 person bridge line that I lease 24/7 from http://www.voicetext.com This is a mutable bridge line because when you get up into the larger numbers of people the noise level can get out of hand. Offer to do a preview talk for the committee and/or decision makers of a group that is interested in hiring you. I guarantee you that most of your competition would never dream of doing this and it just might tip the scales in your favor. While you are on the preview call add a bonus if they hire you. Tell them that 30 days after the event you will do a follow up telephone call with all the key people as a follow up and to be sure your information stuck. This can be an added value or you can charge for this. You just might show them that you should do a paid call for them on a regular basis. This would be a nice contract that you can do from a telephone wherever you happen to be. NOTE: The site below is where I began learning about E Marketing http://www.marketingtips.com/t.cgi/12273/ Good and easy to use shopping cart system http://www.kickstartcart.com The email list management company I use http://www.postmastergeneral.com/?affiliate=antion Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page http://www.antion.com/marketingtools.htm ********* JOURNALING ********* Two new journaling booklets, 108 tips, that will add new dimensions to your journaling. Great gifts. 703-578-3517 or http://www.abundancecenter.com/Store/products.htm to order. AOL members click here ****************************** ***** YOUR ARTICLE SEEN BY THOUSANDS ******* Writing articles for publicity is one of the best ways to market yourself or business online. Now, just imagine, publishing your article on hundreds or thousands of web sites with one click of your mouse. No HTML knowledge required. Just copy and paste your article then click a button. It's just that easy. http://www.mastersyndicator.com AOL members click here ******************************************** ******** FREE SALES & MARKETING REPORT ************** "Do You Want A Sales and Marketing Explosion That Never Ends?" tm Make one simple decision that will change the results you're getting forever! Here's How! Call Alan Allard now at 630-355-2111 or e-mail at mailto:selfleadership@msn.com for FREE report "Seven Insider Secrets To Ignite Your Sales And Marketing Results...Today! Ask for samples of his work and see for yourself why he's being called a "Direct Response Marketing Genius!" ***************************************************** ===================================================== 5. SPEAKER HUMOR ===================================================== => Father's Day was both a joy and a worry as my kids were growing up. I was always afraid they were going to give me a present that I couldn't afford. => Trying to get a word in edgewise with some people is like trying to thread a sewing machine with the motor running. => Someday I would like to see the waiter with the courage to lay the check face-up on the table. => The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. => There is nobody who is sicker than the person who gets sick on their day off. => The audience was large and respectable, one man was large, the other was respectable. => My wife and I had words, but I never got to use mine. => There's a method for going back home from Las Vegas with a small fortune, go there with a large fortune. => A truthful woman is one who doesn't lie about anything except her age, weight, and her husband's salary. => He got to walking in his sleep so much we finally had to tattoo some underwear on him. => The human brain is a wonderful thing. It starts working the moment you are born, and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. => Even when opportunity knocks, you still have to get up off your seat and open the door. => I live in my own little world, but it's ok... they know me here. => The closest to perfection anyone ever comes is when he or she fills out a job application form. => Don't let anyone tell you you're getting old. Squash their toes with your rocker. => If it's true that we are here to help others, then, what exactly are the others here for? => There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. => I'm not fat. I am a nutritional overachiever. => You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive. => Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by moving from where you left them to where you can't find them. => Scientist report that nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check. Much more FREE speaker humor at http://www.antion.com/humor/speakerhumor/speakerhumor.htm ===================================================== 6. USEFUL WEBSITES ===================================================== http://www.judysabah.com/ Coaching, Speaking and a nice lady to rent a bridge line from http://www.longselectronics.com I've gotten good prices on tape duplicators, microphones etc. They have a big catalog. http://www.wedding-toasts.org One of my new websites to help people prepare for the wedding. http://www.positivepath.net/ideasMK5.asp Article about voice http://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/speaking/speaking4.html Article on giving an effective speech. http://www.cdc.gov/travel/ Site for healthy traveling ****** EARN BIG REFERRAL COMMISSIONS ****** You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales. Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700 depending on your level of involvement. For complete details visit http://www.antion.com/referrals.htm *********************************************** ===================================================== FREE ARTICLES FOR YOUR PUBLICATIONS ===================================================== I have many articles available for reprint in your publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use articles written by me that you see in great speaking. Back issues can be viewed at http://www.antion.com/ezinebackissues.htm OR mailto:freearticles@antion.com for an automated list of additional articles. All you have to do is print the article in its entirety along with the by line at top and the credits, and complete contact information at the end of each article. I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks ******* Do YOU WANT TO BE A SPONSOR? ******* REACH OVER 140,000 SPEAKERS / TRAINERS / EXECS For automated sponsorship details send mailto:sponsor@antion.com or visit http://www.antion.com/sponsor.htm *********************************************** ===================================================== To subscribe to GREAT SPEAKING visit http://www.antion.com/ezinesubscribe.htm For Back Issues visit: http://www.antion.com/ezinebackissues.htm ===================================================== Antion & Associates / Anchor Publishing Box 2630 Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784 (301) 459-0738, Fax (301) 552-0225 In Continental US (800) 448-6280 orders or paid consulting only mailto:Tom@antion.com http://www.antion.com Trade permanent links with us mailto:linktrade@antion.com To Join our associate program and make money from your website visit: http://www.antion.com/associates/assoc_program.htm